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About Flexinurse Staffing

Why We Do What We Do…

With personal experience of just how inflexible staff-nursing can be, the founders of Flexinurse Staffing sought to offer healthcare professionals, nurses, and other carers a viable employment alternative. We bring together those healthcare facilities that need high-quality nurses, with those nurses who need high-quality (and just as importantly, flexible) employment opportunities.

A Freer, More Flexible Way of Living…

With Flexinurse Staffing, requesting days off is no longer a dread-inducing thought, because you’re the one determining your own schedule. It’s no surprise that job enjoyment is intrinsically linked with both job performance, as well as longevity within a position. Nursing is no exception.

Agency nurses, those who have that additional flexibility and healthcare staffing freedom, are less likely to burn out from stress or overwork, and as such are likely to provide an unparalleled quality of healthcare.

Our Services

healthcare client

When you sign up as a healthcare client with Flexinurse Staffing, you’re not signing onto your usual healthcare temp agency (which typically provides quantity rather than quality), but rather an agency that’s determined to get you the kinds of nurses you actually need.

potential healthcare employee candidates

Flexinurse Staffing is always looking for new agency nurses to have on its books - we look, in particular, for those with a minimum of one years worth of nursing experience, and for nurses/carers who have previously held positions for extended periods of time at an organization or facility.